Drug Screening
Screening Tools to help determine substance abuse or mental health issues that might require professional
help for the individual and/or family...
NIDA- Screening and Assessment Tools Chart
Mental Health Screening tools
SBIRT: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment
Assessment Instruments- CASAA **
CRAFFT- Brief screening test for adolescent substance abuse
On-Line Screening for Mental Disorders- Alcohol, Depression, Anxiety- Anonymous Screening offered throughout the nation
NIDI ASSIST for Alcohol and Drug Screens
Brief MAST- Alcoholism Screener
CAGE- Substance abuse screening tool
AUDIT- Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test plus detailed information on the harm alcohol causes the body.
IADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
E-check up - Alcohol Use College Students
SAMSHA Screening and Assessment