Legal Information
Legislation Alert- E-mail your elected officials - Personal visits, handwritten notes, phone calls, e-mails in that order are the best way to get your voice heard.
Office of Juvenile and Justice Delinquency Prevention
National Drug Court Training
Reporting a doctor to the DEA: Filing a report with your State Medical Health Department and the DEA are separate processes involving separate legal systems so be sure to do both!
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)...Cases against Doctors
State Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
Office of Diversion Control
Reclaiming Our Future-Communities helping teens overcome drugs, alcohol, and crime
Quick Facts: Half of all prison inmates are dependent on drugs but less than 20 % get the treatment they need....
Florida References...Google your State for laws in your community.
Here’s one example:
Florida Dept. of Health...file your report.
Florida Dept. of Children and Family Services:
Florida Substance Abuse Impairment Act
International Center for Alcohol Policy